IGP : Medium Term Program

Best for those whose SSB is lined up within 2-4 months.

Duration – 2-4 months


There is no shortcut to being recommended. The only way to success is the holistic development of your personality and NFA is the only academy helping you in this regard.

Key features:

  • Personal interview and assessment by Col. Nehru
  • Psychology assessment
  • Access to NFA E-materials
  • Unlimited personal interactions with Col. Nehru
  • Access to NFA Groups for Group Activities for PPDT, GD, Lecturrette, GPE, approach of PGT, HGT, FGT, presentations etc. (Till the duration of the programme)
  • Wednesday and Sunday joint sessions for doubts clarification, TAT analysis, interaction with recommended candidates, guest lectures etc. (Till the duration of the programme)


  • Paperback edition of The Practical Guide to Become an Officer

Guidance Material

  • The Practical Guide to Become an Officer
  • The Physical and Medical Guide
  • Economics Made Easy
  • List of General Awareness Topics
  • Misc. material about SSB