SSB Blogs

2024 Round-up – By Col Nehru

2024 Round-up There are two India’s existing for nearly 10 years. One is “Fraud Vishwa Guru Bharat” and the other is “Real India.” Since these two are contemporary realities/creations, the round ups...

Roles/Goals, Life Compartments – Conforming to Social Norms

Have you heard these statements? Student: “I am performing well in studies but my friends are leaving me because I don’t spend enough time with them.” Worker: “I am a good worker but my colleagues...

Dishonoring the Historic Victory of 1971: Tampering with the Traditions and Pride of the Indian Army

Introduction The Indo-Pak War of 1971 stands as one of the most glorious chapters in Indian military history. It was a war that not only brought decisive military success to India but also reshaped...

Developing OLQs Through Daily Tasks in Life: A Guide for SSB Aspirants

Developing OLQs Through Daily Tasks in Life The 15 Officer Like Qualities (OLQs) are a crucial aspect of the SSB (Services Selection Board) assessment, and while they may seem challenging to...

Leadership in High Altitude: My Experience in Yangtze (2000)

From Jalandhar, I moved to Arunachal Pradesh as the Officer Commanding (OC) of our unit, a role that came with its own unique challenges and rewards. It was an experience that tested my leadership...

23 PUNJAB Battalion: A Journey from Jalandhar (Dec 1998 – 2000)

When we join a new setup, certain things immediately strike us as different from what we are used to. We can either make a note to change things that appear not okay, or make efforts to effect those...

Final Bye-Bye to 20 Punjab – December 1998

When my SC Course ended, I was posted to 23 Punjab, but before moving, I spent a brief day with 20 Punjab, deployed in the Kandi-Budhal areas of J&K for Counter-Terrorism operations. Life in such...

Senior Command (SC) Course – Insights, Leadership, and Life Lessons from Col Nehru’s Experience

I attended the Senior Command (SC) Course from September to November 1998, and it proved to be an incredibly educative experience. Here are some important memories that shaped my journey during the...

Surviving High Altitudes and Leadership Lessons in North Sikkim – Col Nehru’s Experience

I left Kohima, a far mature person than the one who had reported there. 20 PUNJAB was in North Sikkim (Tibet Plateau), a super high altitude area, considered tough by a lot of people. Walking in...

Kohima, Nagaland (1995-97): Lessons Learned from Serving in a High-Pressure Army Posting

Kohima, Nagaland, 1995-97 From the perspective of learning, Kohima ranks at the top in my Army career. I reported for duty in May 95. In Mar 95 the Deputy Commissioner of Kohima had been shot dead by...

Seek Internal Validation by Col Nehru

A very common problem posed to me by my students is something like this, “I am pursuing my goals, and in order to do so, I am unable to meet the expectations of a large number of my friends because...

Dhoni – An exemplary Great Leader

When Dhoni led Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to their fifth IPL title, it further solidified his status as one of the world’s most successful sports captains. Known for his calm, strategic approach, Dhoni...