Human being is the most unique creation of God. Psychology is an interesting science which does not have absolute yes/no answers.
From past studies of human behaviour we can discern trends or predict behaviour of an individual. This assessment may not necessarily be true because each individual is unique & he/she may not conform to the predicted behaviour. It was interesting to find out how through the 3 different assessment techniques we arrived at similar results at SSB. It was even more interesting when my assessment varied with Kalpana Madam, the most experienced psychologist in the selection system in India. I used to go to her & discuss as to how she had assessed the candidate & it was a great learning experience. Thus the work of assessment remains interesting & I am always learning. Now I am able to witness my students progressing or stagnating, primarily depending upon their unique levels of motivation.
Take a recent case of a girl student who I found unacceptably shy. I tried to help her by whatever guidance I could think of; I asked a colleague (who is a lady) to help her, considering the fact that her degree of openness would be more with a lady. It did not work much. Then I asked her to join a group of my students to discuss GK topics & deliver lectures and so on. Within one month I found that she had improved considerably. What two experienced people could not do was done by an informal group! It was an interesting learning experience.
I continue to like my work. Lately I have been delving a lot into Tennis- biomechanics, improving the strokes, training for competition, match psychology & so on. Maybe someday I might decide to become a Tennis coach. People think that at 65 I am too old to change my line of work. I have not cared much for what people think. For now I am enjoying my work.

Col. MM Nehru
While in the Army as a Colonel, Judged Reality Show, “Mission Army-Desh ke Rakshak” of National Geographic in 2011.
Selector for Defence Services at 17 SSB, Bangalore.
SPORTS & FITNESS RELATED EXPERIENCE: Trained Services/ national/international level boxers. Trained Services athletes.
Top level Tennis player in India (above 55 years age category).